Serie & Name: #3, Invasion of the City Builders
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2517
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #4, The Peril of Planet Quick Change
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2535
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #7, The Voodoo Planet
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: Mar
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #8, The Youth Trap
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2581
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #10, Sceptre of the Sun
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Gold Key
Year: May
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #11, The Brain Shockers
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2614
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #12, The Flight of the Buccaneer
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2623
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #13, Dark Traveler
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2633
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #14, The Enterprise Mutiny
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Gold Key
Year: May
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #15, Museum at the End of Time
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2651
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #16, Day of the Inquisitors
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2660
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #17, The Cosmic Cavemen
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2669
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #18, The Hijacked Planet
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: May
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #19, The Haunted Asteroid
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2684
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #20, A World Gone Mad
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2690
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #21, The Mummies of Heitus VII
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2696
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #22, Siege in Superspace
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2703
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #23, Child's Play
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: Mar
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #24, The Trial of Captain Kirk
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: May
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #25, Dwarf Planet
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2721
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #26, The Perfect Dream
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2727
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #27, Ice Journey
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2733
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #28, The Mimicking Menace
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2739
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #29, The Planet of #Return (reprints #1 with an artwork cover)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: Mar
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #30, Death of a Star
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: May
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #31, The Final Truth
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2757
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #32, The Animal People
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2760
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #33, The Choice
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2763
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #34, The Psychocrystals
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: Oct
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #35, The Peril of Planet Quick Change (reprints #4 with an artwork cover)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2769
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #36, A Bomb in Time
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: Mar
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #37, The Ghost Planet (reprints #5 with an artwork cover)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: May
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #38, One of Our Captains is Missing!
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2794
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #39, Prophet of Peace
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2797
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #40, Furlough to Fury
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2800
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #41, The Evictors
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2806
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #42, World Against Time
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2812
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #43, World Beneath the Waves
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2815
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #44, Prince Traitor
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: May
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #45, The Voodoo Planet (reprints #7)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2830
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #46, Mr. Oracle
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2833
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #47, This Tree Bears Bitter Fruit
Author: George Kashdan
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2836
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #48, The Sweet Smell of Evil
Author: Arnold Drake, Doug Drexler
Made By: Gold Key
Year: Oct
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #49, A Warp in Space
Author: George Kashdan
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2843
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #51, Destination Annihilation!
Author: George Kashdan
Made By: Gold Key
Year: Mar
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #52, And a Child Shall Lead Them
Author: George Kashdan
Made By: Gold Key
Year: May
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #53, What Fools These Mortals Be
Author: George Kashdan
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2867
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #55, A World Against Itself
Author: Arnold Drake
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2873
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #57, Spore of the Devil
Author: Arnold Drake
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2879
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #58, Brain-Damaged Planet
Author: George Kashdan
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2882
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #59, To Err is Vulcan
Author: Arnold Drake
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2885
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #60, The Empire Man
Author: John Warner
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 2888
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #25 Dwarf Planet
Author: Unknown
Made By: Whitman
Year: 1974
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #26 The Perfect Dream
Author: Unknown
Made By: Whitman
Year: 1974
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #29 The Planet of No Return
Author: Unknown
Made By: Whitman
Year: 1975
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #40 Furlough to Fury
Author: Unknown
Made By: Whitman
Year: 1976
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #55 A World Against Itself
Author: Arnold Drake
Made By: Whitman
Year: 1978
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: #56, No Time Like the Past
Author: George Kashdan
Made By: Whitman
Year: 1978
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Dynabite Comic 1 of 2: The pschocrystals & A bomb in Time (US issues 34 & 36)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Dynabrite (reprint)
Year: 1976
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Dynabite Comic 2 of 2: The Choice & The Evictors (33 & 41)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Dynabrite (reprint)
Year: 1976
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Golden key collection volume 1 (issue 1-8)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 1976
ISBN: 0-307-11185-7

Serie & Name: Golden key collection volume 2 (new) (issues 9-16)
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Checker Books
Year: 2004
ISBN: 0-97102498-7

Serie & Name: Golden key collection volume 3 (issues 18-26 with one page added)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 1977
ISBN: 0-307-11188-1

Serie & Name: Golden key collection volume 4 issues 27, 28, 30-34, 36, and 38 with 3 pages of new art
Author: Unknown
Made By: Gold Key
Year: 1977
ISBN: 0-307-11189-X

Serie & Name: Golden key collection volume 5 issues 34, 36, 38-43
Author: Unknown
Made By: Checker
Year: 2006
ISBN: 1-933160-13-6

Serie & Name: Star Trek Annual (HC) UK Reprint
Author: Unknown
Made By: World Distributors
Year: 1969
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Annual (HC) UK Reprint (US issues 6, 37 & 4)
Author: Unknown
Made By: World Distributors
Year: 1970
ISBN: 7235-0083-5

Serie & Name: Star Trek Annual 1972 (HC) UK Reprint (US issues 7, 8 & 9)
Author: Unknown, Len Wein
Made By: World Distributors
Year: 1972
ISBN: 7235-0109-2

Serie & Name: Star Trek Annual 1974 (HC) UK Reprint (US issues 14, 15 & 16)
Author: Len Wein
Made By: World Distributors
Year: 1974
ISBN: 7235-0213-7

Serie & Name: Star Trek Annual 1975 (HC) UK Reprint US issues 21, 17 & 24)
Author: Unknown
Made By: World Distributors
Year: 1975
ISBN: 7235-0255-2

Serie & Name: Star Trek Annual 1976 (HC) UK Reprint (US issues 27 & 30)
Author: Unknown
Made By: World Distributors
Year: 1976
ISBN: 7235-0325-7

Serie & Name: Star Trek Annual 1978 (HC) UK Reprint (US issues 38 & 39)
Author: Unknown
Made By: World Distributors
Year: 1978
ISBN: 7235-0419-9

Serie & Name: Star Trek Authorised Edition (HC) UK reprint (US issues 36 & 40)
Author: Unknown
Made By: World Distributors
Year: 1978
ISBN: 7235-6551-1

Serie & Name: Star Trek Annual 1979 (HC) UK Reprint (US issues 54, 55 & 56)
Author: George Kashdan, Arnold Drake
Made By: World Distributors
Year: 1979
ISBN: 7235-6506-6

Serie & Name: Star Trek Special (US Issues 47 & 48 - This Tree Bears Bitter Fruit & The Sweet Smell of Evil)
Author: George Kashdan, Arnold Drake, Doug Drexler
Made By: IPC Magazines Ltd.
Year: 1977
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 1 (dutch reprint black & White) het duivelseiland van de ruimte & de Spookplaneet (US Issu
Author: Unknown
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1974
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 2 (dutch reprint black & White) een Waanzinege wereld & de Voedoeplaneet (US issues 20, 7)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1974
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 3 (dutch reprint black & White) hindelaag der kinderen & De Nalatenschap van Lazarus (US i
Author: Unknown, Len Wein
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1974
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 4 (dutch reprint black & White) De scepter van de zon & De belagers van de Geest (US issue
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1974
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 5 (dutch reprint black & White) de vlucht van de boekanier & De zwarte reiziger (US issues
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1974
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 6 (dutch reprint black & White) Muiterij op de enterprise & Het museum aan het einde der t
Author: Len Wein
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1975
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 7 (dutch reprint black & White) De dag van de bloedrechters! & De holenmensen van de ruimt
Author: Len Wein, Unknown
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1975
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 8 (dutch reprint black & White) De gekaapte planeet & De Spookastero?de (US issues 18 & 19
Author: Unknown
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1975
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 9 (dutch reprint black & White) De mummies van Heitus VII & De volmaakte droom (US issues
Author: Unknown
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1975
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ruimte schip Enterprise Special (dutch reprint) (US issues 53, 52 & 54)
Author: George Kashdan
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1978
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Starship Enterprise (dutch reprint) De planeet der verandering en de staat van de bloeddor
Author: Unknown
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1978
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ruimteschip Enterprise stripalbum nr 1 (Dutch reprint) (US issues 31, 5 & 4)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1978
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ruimteschip Enterprise stripalbum nr 2 (ducth reprints) (US issues 10, 44 & 49)
Author: Len Wein, Unknown, George Kashdan
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1978
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ruimteschip Enterprise 1 (Dutch reprints) (US issuse 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39 & 40)
Author: Unknown
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1977
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ruimteschip Enterprise 2 (Dutch reprints) (US issues 47, 51, 42, 48,46, 7, 43 & 41)
Author: Unknown, George Kashdan, Arnold Drake, Doug Drexler
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1978
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ruimteschip Enterprise 3 (Dutch reprints) (Us issues 57, 58, 6, 56, 55, 1 & 3)
Author: Unknown, George Kashdan, Arnold Drake
Made By: Uitgeverij de Vrijbuiter
Year: 1979
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Super special (full store)
Author: Marv Wolfman| Dave Cockrum, Klaus Janson
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1979
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, 1 of 3
Author: Marv Wolfman| Dave Cockrum, Klaus Janson
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1980
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, V'Ger, 2 of 3
Author: Marv Wolfman| Dave Cockrum, Klaus Janson
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1980
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, Evolutions, 3 of 3
Author: Marv Wolfman| Dave Cockrum, Klaus Janson
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1980
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, The Haunting of Thallus, 1 of 2
Author: Marv Wolfman| Dave Cockrum, Klaus Janson
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1980
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, The Haunting of the Enterprise, 2 of 2
Author: Mike Barr| Dave Cockrum, Klaus Janson| Frank Miller
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1980
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6, The Enterprise Murder Case
Author: Mike Barr| Dave Cockrum, Klaus Janson
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1980
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7, Tomorrow or Yesterday
Author: Tom DeFalco| Mike Nasser, Klaus Janson| Nasser
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1980
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8, The Expansionist Syndrome
Author: Martin Pasko| Dave Cockrum, Ricardo Villamonte
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1980
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9, Experiment in Vengeance
Author: Martin Pasko| Dave Cockrum, Frank Springer
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1980
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10, Domain of the Dragon God
Author: Michael Fleisher| Leo Duranona, Klaus Janson
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1981
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 11, Like a Woman Scorned
Author: Martin Pasko| Joe Brozowski, Tom Palmer
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1981
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 12, Eclipse of Reason
Author: Allan Brennart, Martin Pasko| Luke McDonnel, Tom Palmer
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1981
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 13, All the Infinite Ways
Author: Martin Pasko| Joe Brozowski, Tom Palmer, D. Hands
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1981
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 14, We are Dying, Egypt, Dying
Author: Martin Pasko| Luke McDonnel, Gene Day
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1981
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 15, The Quality of Mercy
Author: Martin Pasko| Gil Kane
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1981
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 16, There's No Space Like Gnomes'
Author: Martin Pasko| Luke McDonnel, Gene Day, Sal Trapani
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1981
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 17, The Long Night's Dawn
Author: Mike Barr| Ed Hannigan, Tom Palmer| Walt Simonson
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1981
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 18, A Thousand Deaths
Author: J.M. DeMatteis| Joe Brozowski, Sal Trapani| Austin
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1982
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: UK Summer Special
Author: Martin Pasko| Joe Brozowski, Tom Palmer, D. Hands
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1979
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1, The Wormhole Connection, 1 of 4
Author: (Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| George Perez
Made By: DC
Year: 1984
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, The Only Good Klingon, 2 of 4
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| George Perez)
Made By: DC
Year: 1984
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, Errand of War, 3 of 4
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| George Perez)
Made By: DC
Year: 1984
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, Deadly Allies, 4 of 4
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1984
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, Mortal Gods
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Sal Amendola| Sutton, Amendola
Made By: DC
Year: 1984
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6, Who is Enigma?
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Sal Amendola
Made By: DC
Year: 1984
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7, Pon Farr, Origin of Saavik 1 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Eduardo Barreto, Ricardo Villagran| Dan Day, Dick Giordano
Made By: DC
Year: 1984
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8, Blood Fever, 2 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Joe Orlando
Made By: DC
Year: 1984
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9, Promises to Keep, New Frontiers 1 of 8
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1984
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10, Double Image, 2 of 8
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 11, Deadly Reflection, 3 of 8
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 12, The Tantalus Trap, 4 of 8
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 13, Masquerade, 5 of 8
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 14, Behind Enemy Lines, 6 of 8
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Magyar ?
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 15, The Beginning of the End, 7 of 8
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 16, Homecoming, 8 of 8
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 17, The D'Artagnan Three
Author: L.B. Kellogg| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Janson
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 18, Rest and Recreation
Author: Paul Kupperberg| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 19, Chekov's Choice
Author: Walter Koenig| Dan Spiegle| Sutton, Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 20, Giri
Author: Wenonah Woods| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Sutton, Wray
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 21, Dreamworld
Author: Bob Rozakis| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 22, The Wolf, Wolf on the Prowl 1 of 2
Author: Tony Isabella| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Cowan,
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 23, Wolf at the Door, 2 of 2
Author: Tony Isabella| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Cowan, Janson
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 24, Double Blind, 1 of 2
Author: Diane Duane| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Jim Starlin
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 25, Double blind, 2 of 2
Author: Diane Duane| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Jim Starlin
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 26, The Trouble With Transporters
Author: Bob Rozakis| Tom Sutton| Ricardo Villagran| Brozowski, Gio
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 27, Around the Clock
Author: Robert Greenberger| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Brozowski, Villagran, Zaffino
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 28, The Last Word
Author: Diane Duane| Gray Morrow| Brozowski, Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 29, The Trouble With Bearclaw
Author: Tony Isabella| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 30, Uhura's Story
Author: Paul Kupperberg| Carmine Infantino, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 31, Maggie's World, 1 of 2
Author: Tony Isabella, Len Wein| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran|Brozowski, Marcos
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 32, Judgement Day, 2 of 2
Author: Len Wein| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran|
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 33, Vicious Circle (20th anniversary)
Author: Len Wein| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Bingham
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 34, Death Ship, The Doomsday Bug, 1 of 3
Author: Len Wein| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Brozowski, Smith
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 35, Stand Off, 2 of 3
Author: Len Wein| Gray Morrow| Brozowski, Marcos
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 36, The Apocalypse Scenario, 3 of 3
Author: Len Wein| Gray Morrow| Brozowski, Marcos
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 37, Choices
Author: Len Wein| Curt Swan, Pablo Marcos| Wray
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 38, The Argon Affair
Author: Michael Fleisher| Adam Kubert, Ricardo Villagran|
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 39, When You Wish Upon a Star, Return of Mudd 1 of 2
Author: Len Wein| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran|
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 40, Mudd's Magic, 2 of 2
Author: Len Wein| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran|
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 41, What Goes Around
Author: Michael Carlin| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Jerome Moore, Lewis
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 42, The Corbomite Effect
Author: Michael Carlin| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Jerome Moore, Lewis
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 43, Paradise Lost, Return of the Serpent 1 of 3
Author: Michael Carlin| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Jerome Moore, Lewis
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 44, Past Perfect, 2 of 3
Author: Michael Carlin| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Jerome Moore, Lewis
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 45, Devil Down Below, 3 of 3
Author: Michael Carlin| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Brozowski, Lewis
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 46, Getaway
Author: Michael Carlin| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Brozowski, Lewis
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 47, Idol Threats
Author: Michael Carlin| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Brozowski, Lewis
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 48, The Stars in Secret Influence, 1 of 3
Author: Peter David| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 49, Aspiring to be angels, 2
Author: Peter David| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By:
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 50, Marriage of inconvenience, 3
Author: Peter David| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By:
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 51, Haunted honeymoon, 1
Author: Peter David| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By:
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 52, Hell in a hand basket, 2
Author: Peter David| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By:
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 53, You're dead, Jim, 1
Author: Peter David| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By:
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 54, Old loyalties, 2
Author: Peter David| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By:
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 55, Finnegan's wake, 3
Author: Peter David| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By:
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 56, A Small Matter of Faith
Author: Martin Pasko| Gray Morrow| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 1, All Those Years Ago
Author: Mike W. Barr| David Ross, Bob Smith
Made By: DC
Year: 1985
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 2, The Final Voyage
Author: Mike W. Barr| Dan Jurgens, Bob Smith| Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 3, Retrospect
Author: Peter David| Curt Swan, Ricardo Villagran| Gray Morrow
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Who's Who In Star Trek, part 1 of 2
Author: Allan Asherman| numerous artists| Howard Chaykin
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Who's Who in Star Trek, part 2 of 2
Author: Allan Asherman| numerous artists| Howard Chaykin
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: DC Movie Special 1, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: DC Movie Special 2, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1987
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Mirror Universe Saga (reprints issues 9-16)
Author: Mike W. Barr| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran| Christie
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: 0-930289-96-X

Serie & Name: Who Killed Captain Kirk? (reprints issues 48-55)
Author: Peter David| Tom Sutton, Ricardo Villagran
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: 1-56389-096-8

Serie & Name: # 1, The Return!, 1 of 4
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1989
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, The Sentence, 2 of 4
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1989
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, Death Before Dishonor, 3 of 4
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1989
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, Repercussions, 4 of 4
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, Fast Friends, 1 of 5
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6, Cure All, 2 of 5
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7, Not? Sweeney!, 3 of 5
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8, Going, Going?, 4 of 5
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Eric Peterson
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9, ?Gone!, 5 of 5
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Eric Peterson
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10, The First Thing We Do, The Trial of James T. Kirk, 1 of 3
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Mark Bright
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 11, Let's Kill All the Lawyers!, 2 of 3
Author: Peter David| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Mark Bright
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 12, Trial and Error!, 3 of 3
Author: Peter David| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Mark Bright
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 13, A Rude Awakening!, The Return of the Worthy, 1 of 3
Author: Peter David, Bill Mumy| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 14, Great Expectations!, 2 of 3
Author: Peter David, Bill Mumy| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 15, Tomorrow Never Knows!!, 3 of 3
Author: Peter David, Bill Mumy| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore, McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 16, Worldsinger
Author: J. Michael Strazcynski| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore, McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 17, Partners?, 1 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein| Ken Hooper, Bob Dvorak| Jerome Moore, McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 18, Partners?, 2 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein| Ken Hooper, Bob Dvorak|
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 19, Once a Hero
Author: Peter David| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 20, God's Gauntlet, 1 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 21, The Last Stand, 2 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 22, Mission: Muddled, Return of Harry Mudd 1
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 23, The sky above...the Mudd below, 2
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 24, Target: Mudd, 3 (25th anniversary issue)
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 25, Class Reunion, 1 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 26, Where There's a Will?, 2 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 27, Secrets?, 3 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Brandon Peterson, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 28, Truth? Or Treachery, 4 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Brandon Peterson, Scott Hanna| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 29, The Price of Admission!
Author: Timothy de Haas| James W. Fry, Bud LaRosa| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 30, Veritas, 1 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Al Vey| Purcell, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 31, Sacrifices and Survivors, 2 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 32, Danger? On Ice!, 3 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Burrell
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 33, Cold Comfort!, 4 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Al Vey
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 34, The Tree of Life, the Branches of Heaven
Author: David DeVries| Jan Duursema, Pablo Marcos| G. Lumoden
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 35, Divide...and conquer, The Tabukan syndrome 1
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 36, Battle Stations!, 2 of 6
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 37, Prisoners of War?, 3 of 6
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 38, Consequences, 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 39, Collision course, 5
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 40, Showdown!, 6 of 6
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 41, Runaway
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 42, A Little Adventure!, 1 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 43, ?Goes a Long Way, 2 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 44, Acceptable Risk
Author: Howard Weinstein, Gordon Purcell| Purcell, Carlos Garzon|
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 45, A Little Man-to-Man Talk
Author: Steven H. Wilson| Rob Davis, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 46, Coup D'Etat, Deceptions 1 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 47, Deceptions, 2 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr|
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 48, Deceptions, 3 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Whigham, Ray McCarthy
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 49, The peacekeeper, 1
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Whigham, Ray McCarthy
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 50, The peacekeeper, 2
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Whigham, Ray McCarthy
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 51, Renegade
Author: Dan Mishkin| Deryl Skelton, Steve Carr, Arne Starr| Rod Whighan, Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 52, Epic Proportion
Author: Diane Duane| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Whigham, Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 53, Time Crime, 1 of 5
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Whigham, Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 54, Nightmares!, 2 of 5
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Whigham, Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 55, Time? to Time, 3 of 5
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rob Davis, Arne Starr| Rod Whigham, Carlos Garzo
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 56, Call Back Yesterday, 4 of 5
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rob Davis, Arne Starr| Rod Whigham, Carlos Garzo
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 57, Seems Like Old Times, 5 of 5
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rob Davis, Arne Starr| Rod Whigham, Carlos Garzo
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 58, No Compromise, 1 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Carlos Garzon| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 59, No Compromise, 2 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Carlos Garzon| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 60, No Compromise, 3 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Carlos Garzon| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 61, Door in the Cage
Author: Steve Wilson| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore, Russell Walks)
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 62, The Alone, 1 of 2
Author: Kevin Ryan| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Russell Walks
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 63, The Alone, 2 of 2
Author: Kevin Ryan| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Russell Walks
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 64, Gary
Author: Kevin J. Ryan| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Bill Sienkiewicz
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 65, Bait? and Switch
Author: Howard Weinstein, T.A. Chafin| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 66, Rivals, 1 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Thomas Derenick, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 67, Rivals, 2 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Thomas Derenick, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 68, Rivals, 3 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Thomas Derenick, Arne Starr| Chris Woznia
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 69, A Wolf? in Cheap Clothing, 1 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rachel Ketchum, Arne Starr| Chris Wozniak
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 70, A Wolf? in Cheap Clothing, 2 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rachel Ketchum, Arne Starr| Chris Wozniak
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 71, A Wolf? in Cheap Clothing, 3 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rachel Ketchum, Pam Eklund| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 72, A Wolf? in Cheap Clothing, 4 of 4
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rachel Ketchum,Arne Star, Pam Eklund| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 73, Star-Crossed, 1 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rachel Ketchum, Mark Heike| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 74, "Loved Not Wisely?", 2 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rachel Ketchum, Mark Heike| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 75, "A Bright Particular Star", 3 of 3
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rachel Ketchum, Mark Heike| Sonia Hillios
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 76, Prisoners
Author: Kevin Ryan| Rachel Ketchum, Mark Heike| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 77, Deadlock
Author: Kevin Ryan| Rachel Forbes-Seese, Mark Heike| Krause, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 78, The Hunted, The Chosen, 1 of 3
Author: Kevin J. Ryan| Rachel Forbes-Seese, Mark Heike| Peter Krause, Jerome K. Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 79, Blood Enemies, 2 of 3
Author: Kevin J. Ryan| Steve Erwin, Terry Pallot| Peter Krause, Jerome K. Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 80, Collision Course!, 3 of 3
Author: Kevin J. Ryan| Rachel Forbes-Seese, Pablo Marcos| Peter Krause, Jerome K. Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 1, So Near the Touch
Author: George Takei, Peter David| Gray Morrow| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 2, Starfleet Academy
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Curt Swan, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 3, Homeworld
Author: Howard Weinstein| Norm Dwyer, Arne Starr| Laura and Frank Kelley Freas
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 4, To Walk the Night
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 5, The Dream Walkers
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Carlos Garzon| Chris Wozniac
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 6, Convergence, Part One: Split Infinities
Author: Howard Weinstein, Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Save, Sam de la Rosa| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 1, Blaise of Glory & The Needs of the One
Author: Peter David| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Bill Sienkiewicz & Mike Collins| Mike Collins, Terry Pallot
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 2, Raise the Defiant & A Question of Loyalty
Author: Kevin J. Ryan| Chris Wozniak, Jeff Hollander| Dan Curry & Steven H. Wilson| Rachel Ketchum, Rich Fab
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 3, The Unforgiven & Echoes of Yesterday
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Steve Erwin, Jimmy Palmiotti| Nicholas Jainschigg & Mark A. Altman| Ken Save,
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Modala Imperative 1 of 4, A little seasoning
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Adam Hughes, Karl Story
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Modala Imperative 2 of 4, Tools of tyranny
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Adam Hughes, Karl Story
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Modala Imperative 3 of 4, The price of freedom
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Adam Hughes, Karl Story
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Modala Imperative 4 of 4, For whom the bell tolls
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Adam Hughes, Karl Story
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Debt of Honor (TB)
Author: Chris Claremont| Adam Hughes, Karl Story| Dave Dorma
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: 1-56389-031-3

Serie & Name: The Ashes of Eden (TB)
Author: William Shatner, Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens| Steve Erwin, Jimmy Palmiotti| Nicholas Jainschi
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: 1-56389-235-9

Serie & Name: A DC Movie Special, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Roger Stine
Made By: DC
Year: 1989
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: A DC Movie Special, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Author: Peter David| Gordon Purcell | Jason Palmer1`
Made By: DC
Year: 1989
ISBN: 156389-042-9

Serie & Name: Revisitations (reprints issues 22-24, 49 & 50)
Author: Howard Weinstein| Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore, McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: 1-56389-223-5

Serie & Name: Test of Courage (reprints Issues 35-40)
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rod Whigham, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore, Whigham
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: 1-56389-151-4

Serie & Name: TOS To Bodly Go UK Reprint
Author: Peter David| James W. Fry, Arne Starr| Jerome Moore
Made By: Titan Books
Year: 2005
ISBN: 1-84576-084-0

Serie & Name: The Modala Imperative (reprint of 4 issue TOS & 4 issue TNG)
Author: Michael Jan Friedman & Peter David| Pablo Marcos| Adam Hughes, Karl Story
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: 1-56389-040-2

Serie & Name: mini series # 1, Where no man has gone before
Author: Michael Carlin| Pablo Marcos and Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: mini series # 2, Spirit in the sky
Author: Michael Carlin| Pablo Marcos and Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: mini series # 3, Q Factor, 1
Author: Michael Carlin| Pablo Marcos and Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: mini series # 4, Q's day, 2
Author: Michael Carlin| Pablo Marcos and Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: mini series # 5, Q effects, 3
Author: Michael Carlin| Pablo Marcos and Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: mini series # 6, Here today
Author: Michael Carlin| Pablo Marcos and Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1988
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1 Return to Raimon
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1989
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2 Murder, Most Foul
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1989
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3 The Derelict
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4 The Hero Factor
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5 Serafin's Survivors
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6 Shadows in the Garden
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7 The Pilot
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1989
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8 The Battle Within
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9 The Pay Off!
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Eric Peterson
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10 The Noise of Justice
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Eric Peterson
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 11 The Impostor
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 12 Whoever Fights Monsters
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 13, The Hand of the Assassin!
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, T. Wood
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 14, Holiday On Ice, 1 of 2
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, T. Wood
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 15, Prisoners of the Ferengi, 2 of 2
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, T. Wood
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 16, I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing, 1 of 2
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, T. Wood
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 17, The Weapon, 2 of 2
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 18, Forbidden fruit?
Author: Dave Stern, Mike O'Brien| Mike Manley, Robert Campanella| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 19, The lesson
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 20, The flight of the Albert Einstein, Lost shuttle 1
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 21, Mourning star, 2
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 22, Trapped, 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 23, The barrier, 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 24, Homecoming, 5
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 25, Wayward Son, 1 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 26, Strangers in strange lands!, 2 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 27, City Life, 3 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 28, The Remembered One, 4 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore, Tom McCraw
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 29, Honorbound!
Author: Kevin Ryan| Carlos Garzon| Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 30, The Rift, 1 of 2
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Carlos Garzon, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 31, Kingdom of the Damned, 2 of 2
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Carlos Garzon, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 32, Wet Behind the Ears
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 33, The Way of the Warrior, 1 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 34, Devil's Brew!, 2 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 35, The Dogs of War, 3 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 36, Shore Leave in Shanzibar!, 1 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 37, Consorting with the Devil!, 2 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 38, Dirty Work, 3 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 39, Bridges, 1 of 6
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer| Karl Kesel
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 40, Bone of Contention, 2 of 6
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer| Karl Kesel
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 41, Separation Anxiety!, 3 of 6
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Rob Davis, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer| Karl Kesel
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 42, Second Chances!, 4 of 6
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer| Karl Kesel
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 43, Strange Bedfellows, 5 of 6
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer| Karl Kesel
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 44, Restoration, 6 of 6
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Penders, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer| Karl Kesel
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 45, Childish Things
Author: Michael Jan Friedman, Kevin Ryan| Chuck Frazier, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 46, The Maze
Author: Michael Jan Friedman, Kevin Ryan| Carlos Garzon, Pablo Marcos|
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 47, The Worst of Both Worlds!, 1 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Rod Whigham, Jerome Moore)
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 48, The Belly of the beast!, 2 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Rod Whigham, Jerome Moore)
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 49, The Armies of the Night, 3 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 50, And Death Shall Have No Domain, 4 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos, Romeo Tanghal| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 51, Lifesigns
Author: Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens| Peter Krause, Mike Christian| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 52, The Rich and the Dead!, 1 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 53, Reductions & Deductions, 2 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos|
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 54, Hidden Agendas!, 3 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos, Bob Pinaha|
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 55, The Good of the Many!
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton, Steve Carr| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 56, Companionship, 1 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton|
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 57, Of Two Minds, 2 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 58, Bodies of Evidence, 3 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 59, Children of Chaos, 1 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 60, Mother of Madness, 2 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore, William
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 61, Brothers in Darkness, 3 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Jason Palmer, Terry Pallot, Rick Taylor
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 62, The Victim
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Rachel Ketchum, Rick Burchett| Jason Palme
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 63, A Matter of Conscience?, 1 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 64, The Deceivers, 2 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 65, The Truth Elusive, 3 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 66, Just Desserts!
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Jason Palmer, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 67, Friends and Other Strangers, 1 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Peter Krause, Terry Pallot
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 68, The Bajoran and the Beast, 2 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Peter Krause, Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 69, Dreams Die, 3 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Peter Krause, Terry Pallot
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 70, The Last Verse, 4 of 4
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Deryl Skelton| Peter Krause, Terry Pallot
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 71, War and Madness, part I: The First Casualty , 1 of 5
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot)
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 72, War and Madness, part II: A Handful of Dust, 2 of 5
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot)
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 73, War and Madness, part III: The Dying of the Night, 3 of 5
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot)
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 74, War and Madness, part IV: Ceremony of Innocence, 4 of 5
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot)
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 75, War and Madness, part V: Cry Havoc, 5 of 5
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Sonia Hillios
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 76, Suspect
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Ken Save, Shephard Hendrix| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 77, Gateway, 1 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 78, The Unconquered, 2 of 3
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 79, Artificiality, 1 of 2
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot
Made By: DC
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 80, The Abandoned, 2 of 2
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot
Made By: DC
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 1, The gift
Author: John deLancie | Gordon Purcell, Pablo Marcos | Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 2, Thin ice
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Matt Haley, Carlos Garzon | Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 3, The Broken Moon
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Brandon Peterson, Pablo Marcos
Made By: DC
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 4, A House Divided
Author: Mike W. Barr| Jim Key, Aaron McClellan, Bob Smith
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 5, Brother's Keeper
Author: Howard Weinstein| Rachel Ketchum, Bob Smith, Charles Barnett| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 6, Convergence, Part Two: Future Imperfect
Author: Michael Jan Friedman, Howard Weistein| Ken Save, Sam de la Rosa| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 1, Good Listener & A True Son of Kahless & Spot's Day
Author: Tony Isabella, Bob Ingersol| Deryl Skelton, Steve Carr, Jim Amash| Jason Palmer, Segarra & Anne Woka
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 2, The Choice & Cry Vengeance & Out of Time
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Sonia R. Hillios & Chris Claremont| Chris Woznia
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 3, Pandora's Prodigy & Old Debts
Author: Michael DeMeritt| Ricardo Villagran| Sonia Hillios & Kevin Ryan| Ken Save, Shephard Hendrix
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Modala Imperative 1 of 4, In Memory Yet Green?
Author: Peter David| Pablo Marcos| Adam Hughes, Karl Story
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Modala Imperative 2 of 4, Lies and Legends!
Author: Peter David| Pablo Marcos| Adam Hughes, Karl Story
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Modala Imperative 3 of 4, Prior Claim
Author: Peter David| Pablo Marcos| Adam Hughes, Karl Story
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Modala Imperative 4 of 4, Game, Set, and Match
Author: Peter David| Pablo Marcos| Adam Hughes, Karl Story
Made By: DC
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Shadowheart 1 of 4, The Lion and the Lamb
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Steve Erwin, Charles Barnett III| Sonia Hillios
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Shadowheart 2 of 4, Dealers in Darkness
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Steve Erwin, Charles Barnett III| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Shadowheart 3 of 4, My Brother's Keeper
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Steve Erwin, Charles Barnett III| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Shadowheart 4 of 4, The Prince of Madness
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Steve Erwin, Charles Barnett III| Jason Palmer
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ill Wind, 1 of 4
Author: Diane Duane| Daryl Skelton, Timothy Tuohy| Hugh Fleming
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ill Wind, 2 of 4
Author: Diane Duane| Daryl Skelton, Timothy Tuohy| Hugh Fleming
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ill Wind, 3 of 4
Author: Diane Duane| Ken Save, John Montgomery| Hugh Fleming
Made By: DC
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ill Wind, 4 of 4
Author: Diane Duane| Ken Save, John Montgomery| Hugh Fleming
Made By: DC
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: DSN / TNG crossover mini serie # 1, Prophets and losses, Part 1 of 4 (DC Comics)
Author: Michael Jan Friedman, Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Sonia Hillios
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: DSN / TNG crossover mini serie # 2, The unseen enemy, Part 4 of 4 (DC Comics)
Author: Michael Jan Friedman, Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Sonia Hillios
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Series Finale Special: All Good Things?
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Jay Scott Pike, Jose Marzan Jr.| Sonia Hillios
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Generations Comic Adaptation (Prestige Edition)
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Jerome Moore, Terry Pallot| Sonia Hillios
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: 1-56389-174-3

Serie & Name: # 1 Dutch (contains US 1 & 2) Return to Raimon & Murder, Most Foul
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC/ Junior Press
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2 Dutch (contains US 3 & 4) The Derelict & The Hero Factor
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC/ Junior Press
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3 Dutch (contains US 5 & 6) Serafin's Survivors & Shadows in the Garden
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC/ Junior Press
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4 Dutch (Contains US 7 & 8) The Pilot & The Battle Within
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Gordon Purcell, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC/ Junior Press
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5 Dutch (contains US 9 & 10) The Pay Off! & The Noise of Justice
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Eric Peterson
Made By: DC/ Junior Press
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6 Dutch (Contains US 11 & 12) The Impostor & Whoever Fights Monsters
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC/ Junior Press
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG Annual 1992 (HC) UK Reprint
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos
Made By: Marvel comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: 1-85400-253-8

Serie & Name: Beginnings (reprints 6 issue mini-series 1988)
Author: Michael Carlin| Pablo Marcos and Carlos Garzon
Made By: DC
Year: 1995
ISBN: 1-56389-200-6

Serie & Name: The Best of Star Trek TNG (reprints issues 5, 6, 9 & Annual 1 & 2)
Author: Michael Jan Friedman, and John DeLancie
Made By: DC
Year: 1994
ISBN: 1-56389-125-5

Serie & Name: The Star Lost (reprints issues 20-24)
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Peter Krause, Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1993
ISBN: 1-56389-084-4

Serie & Name: TNG Maelstrom UK Reprint
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos
Made By: Titan Books
Year: 2006
ISBN: 1-84576-318-1

Serie & Name: # 4 The Hero Factor (Spanish version)
Author: Michael Jan Friedman| Pablo Marcos| Jerome Moore
Made By: DC
Year: 1990
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Preview: Foil Gold logo (# 1a)
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Jerome Moore,Richard Ory
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Preview: Prismatic logo (# 1b)
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Jerome Moore,Richard Ory
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Preview: Hostage situation (# 2)
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Hero Preview: (incl Marquis, DS9 creater, mirror mirror sketch book and more)
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1 (Photo cover), Stowaway, 1 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Jerome Moore,Richard Ory
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1 (Drawn Cover), Stowaway, 1 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Jerome Moore,Richard Ory
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1 (Signed cover), Stowaway, 1 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Jerome Moore,Richard Ory
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1 (Gold Cover ltf tp 21,000), Stowaway, 1 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Jerome Moore,Richard Ory
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1 (Black Cover), Stowaway, 1 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Jerome Moore,Richard Ory
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, Stowaway, 2 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, Stowaway, 2 of 2 (sealed with promo card)
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, Old Wounds
Author: Mike W. Barr| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Jerome Moore, Richard Ory
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, Emancipation, 1 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot|
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, Emancipation, 2 of 2
Author: Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Purcell, Tim Eldred
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6, Field Trip, Pickpocket & Program 359
Author: Mike W. Barr| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Jerome Moore & John Vornholt & Colin Clayton, Chris Dows
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7, Working Vacation
Author: Len Strazewski| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Dan and David Day
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8, Requiem, 1 of 2
Author: Mark A. Altman| Gordon Purcell, Scott Reed| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9, Requiem, 2 of 2 & Hearts and Minds: Prelude
Author: Mark A. Altman| Gordon Purcell, Scott Reed, Larry Welch| Kirk, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10, Descendants
Author: Dan Mishkin| Leonard Kirk, Terry Pallot| Kirk, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 11, A Short Fuse
Author: Charles Marshall| Leonard Kirk, Bruce McCorkindale| Kirk, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 12, Baby On Board
Author: Charles Marshall| Leonard Kirk, Bruce McCorkindale| Kirk, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 13, Lapse
Author: Charles Marshall| Leonard Kirk, Bruce McCorkindale| Kirk, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 14 Dax's Comet, 1 of 2
Author: Jerry Bingham| Tim Eldred| Bruce McCorkindale| Leonard Kirk, Terry Pallo
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 15 Dax's Comet, 2 of 2
Author: Jerry Bingham| Tim Eldred| Bruce McCorkindale| Leonard Kirk, Terry Pallo
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 16, Shanghaied
Author: John Vornholt| Leonard Kirk, Jack Snider, Richard Emond|Kirk, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 17, Images
Author: Laurie S. Sutton| Leonard Kirk, Jack Snider| Kirk, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 18, Hearts of Old & Wargames prequel
Author: Laurie S. Sutton| Leonard Kirk, Jack Snider, Richard Emond, Larry Welch| Kirk, Terry Pallot & Mark A
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 19, Mission of Mercy
Author: Dan Mishkin| Ken Penders, Arne Starr| Penders
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 20, Last Remains
Author: Dan Mishkin| Ken Penders, Jack Snider| Leonard Kirk, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 21, Fadeout!
Author: Dan Mishkin| Rob Davis, Bruce McCorkindale| Davis, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 22, Deep Space Mine!
Author: Dan Mishkin| Terry Pallot| Leonard Kirk
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 23, The Secret of the Lost Orb: The Search, 1 of 3
Author: Dan Mishkin| Leonard Kirk, Aubrey Bradford, Scott Reed, Larry Welch| Kirk, Terry Pallot, Moose
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 24, The Secret of the Lost Orb: Acceptable Losses, 2 of 3
Author: Dan Mishkin| Leonard Kirk, John Montgomery| Kirk, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 25, The Secret of the Lost Orb: Gods of War, 3 of 3
Author: Dan Mishkin| Leonard Kirk, John Montgomery| Kirk, Jack Snider
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 26, Genesis Denied, 1 of 2 & Mudd's Pets, 1 of 2
Author: Colin Clayton, Chris Dows| Rob Davis, Jack Snider| Brian Murray & Randy & Jean-Marc Lofficier| Keith
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 27, Genesis Denied, 2 of 2 & Mudd's Pets, 2 of 2
Author: Colin Clayton, Chris Dows| Rob Davis, Jack Snider| Brian Murray & Randy & Jean-Marc Lofficier| Keith
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 28, Friend and Foe Alike
Author: Dan Mishkin| Leonard Kirk, Terry Pallot| Mark Brill
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 29, Sole Asylum, 1 of 2 & Enemies & Allies, 1 of 2
Author: Mark Paniccia| Rod Whigham, Terry Pallot| Mark Brill & Mark Paniccia, Tim Russ| Rob Davis, Aubrey Br
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 30, Sole Asylum, 2 of 2 & Enemies & Allies, 2 of 2
Author: Mark Paniccia| Rod Whigham, Terry Pallot| Mark Brill & Mark Paniccia, Tim Russ| Rob Davis, Aubrey Br
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 31, Remembrance & Rules of Behavior
Author: Leonard Kirk| Kirk| Rob Prior & Jason Levine| Scott Sava
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 32, Turn of the Tide
Author: Chris Dows, Colin Clayton| Rob Davis, Craig Gilmore, Terry Pallot| Leonard Kirk
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Annual 1: The Looking Glass War
Author: Mike W. Barr| Leonard Kirk, Rob Davis| Leonard Kirk, Terry Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Ultimate Annual 1: No Time Like the Present, The Nagus's New Clothes, Small Victory
Author: Laurie Sutton| Leonard Kirk, Scott Reed, Saleem Crawford| Mark Brill & John Vornholt| Patrick Woodro
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 1: Lightstorm (foil cover (2500 coppies)
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 1: Lightstorm
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 0: Terok Nor
Author: Mark A. Altman| Trevor Goring| Goring
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special 1: Collision Course, Frozen Boyhood, Oaths: Honor, Dangerous Times
Author: Phil Crain| Rod Whigham, Scott Reed| Scott Sava
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Worf Special with: Bonds of honor & Unhappy trails
Author: Dan Mishkin| Steve Erwin, John Montgomery, Scott Reed| Moose Baumann
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Celebrity Series 1, Blood and Honor
Author: Mark Lenard| Leonard Kirk, Ken Penders, Terry Pallot, Larry Welch, Scott Reed| Penders, Kirk, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Celebrity Series 1, The Rules of Diplomacy
Author: Aron Eisenberg, Mark Paniccia| Leonard Kirk, Bob Almond, John Montgomery, Scott Reed| Moose Baumann
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Heart and Minds Issue 1 (Limited Edition Hologram Cover)
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Hearts & Minds mini serie # 1, For the Glory of the Empire
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Hearts & Minds mini serie # 2, On the edge of armageddon
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Hearts & Minds mini serie # 3, Into the abyss
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Hearts & Minds mini serie # 4, Masters of war
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Maquis: Soldier of Peace 1 of 3, Vacation's Over & Memoirs of an Invisible Ferengi
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot & Cris Dows, Colin Clayton| Brian Michael Ben
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Maquis: Soldier of Peace 1 of 3, Vacation's Over & Memoirs of an Invisible Ferengi (Photo Cover)
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot & Cris Dows, Colin Clayton| Brian Michael Ben
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Maquis: Soldier of Peace 2 of 3, Rats in a Maze & A Tree Grows on Bajor
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| & R.A. Jones| Leonard Kirk, Jack Snider
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: The Maquis: Soldier of Peace 3 of 3, Victims of Deceit
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: DSN / TNG crossover mini serie # 1, The wormhole trap, Part 2 of 4 (Malibu Comics)
Author: Michael Jan Friedman, Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Sonia Hillios
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: DSN / TNG crossover mini serie # 2, Encounter with the Othersiders, Part 3 of 4 (Malibu Comics)
Author: Michael Jan Friedman, Mike W. Barr| Gordon Purcell, Terry Pallot| Sonia Hillios
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Hearts & Minds (TPB) reprints issues 1-4 Hearts & Minds Miniseries
Author: Mark A. Altman| Rob Davis, Terry Pallot| Davis, Pallot
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1995
ISBN: 0-7522-0898-5

Serie & Name: Dax's Comet TPB (reprints issues # 13 to 15)
Author: Jerry Bingham| Tim Eldred| Bruce McCorkindale| Leonard Kirk, Terry Pallo
Made By: Malibu
Year: 1994
ISBN: 0-7522-0134-4

Serie & Name: # 1, Flesh of My Flesh
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edgington| Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams| Zircher, Adams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, The Fires of Pharos
Author: Ian Edginton, Dan Abnett| Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams| Zircher
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, Our Dearest Blood
Author: Ian Edginton, Dan Abnett| Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams|
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, Nor Iron Bars a Cage
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams| Zircher, Adams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, Cloak and Dagger, 1 of 2
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams| Zircher
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6, Cloak and Dagger, 2 of 2
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams| Zircher, Adams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7, The Flat, Gold Forever
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams| Zircher, Adams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8, Immortal Wounds
Author: Ian Edginton, Dan Abnett | Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9, One of a Kind
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Michael Collins, Greg Adams| Collins, Adams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10, The Fallen, 1 of 2
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Michael Collins, Greg Adams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 11, The Fallen, 2 of 2
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Michael Collins, Greg Adams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 12, Futures, 1 of 4
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Michael Collins, Greg Adams| Collins, Adams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 13, Future Tense, 2 of 4
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Patrick Zircher, Steve Moncuse
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 14, Past Imperfect, 3 of 4
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Patrick Zircher, Steve Moncuse
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 15, Now and Then, 4 of 4
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Patrick Zircher, Steve Moncuse
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 16, Thanatos, 1 of 2
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Javier Pulido, Steve Moncuse| Pulido
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 17, Nemesis, 2 of 2 (Unfinished Story !!)
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Javier Pulido, Steve Moncuse| Pulido
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1, Renewal
Author: Glenn Greenberg| Michael Collins, Keith Williams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, Worlds Collide
Author: Glenn Greenberg| Michael Collins, Keith Williams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, Past Imperfect
Author: Glenn Greenberg| Michael Collins, Keith Williams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, Silent Cries
Author: Glenn Greenberg| Michael Collins, Keith Williams| Williams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, Odyssey's End
Author: Glenn Greenberg| Michael Collins, Keith Williams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1, Directives & Dying of the Light
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edgington| Ron Randall, Carlos Garzon, Jerome Moore, Al Williamson, Derek Fisher
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, Action of the Tiger & The Unkindest Cut
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edgington| Mark Buckingham, Kev Sutherland|
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, Message in a Bottle & Sins of the Fathers
Author: Dan Abnett,Ian Edginton, Dan Abnett| Ron Randall, Al Williamson?
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, None But the Brave & Inheritance
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Ron Randall, Al Williamson| Randall, Williamson
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, Secret Lives & As Flies to Wanton Boys
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Tom Morgan, Kev Sutherland|
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6, Telepathy War part 4: Heart of Darkness
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Ron Randall, Art Nichols| Randall, Nichols
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7, An Infinite Jest
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Ron Randall, Tom Morgan, Art Nichols, Scott Hanna| Vince Evans
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8, Klingon Day of Honor Issue with The Boy & The Warrior & The Veteran
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Tom Morgan, Scott Hanna
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9, Trekkers
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton| Greg Scott, Josef Rubenstein
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10, A Piece of Reaction
Author: Michael Martin, Andy Mangels| Ron Randall, Art Nichols| Randall, Nichols
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek X-Men
Author: Scott Lobdell | Marc Silvestri, Billy Tan, Anthony Winn, David Finch
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG X-Men: Second Contact
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton | Cary Nord, Scott Koblish | Nord, Koblish, Vince Evans
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: First Contact
Author: John Vornholt | Terry Pallot & Rod Whigham | Jeff Pittarelli
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1996
ISBN: 0-7851-0295-7

Serie & Name: Operation Assimllation
Author: Paul Jenkins | Steve Erwin, Terry Pallot | Hajime Sorayama
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Mirror Mirror: Fragile Glass
Author: Tom DeFalco | Mark Bagley, Larry Mahlstedt | Bagley, Mahlstedt
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Telepathy War: Reality's End
Author: Chris Cooper | Patrick Zircher, Steve Moncuse |
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Special TNG 1, Riker: The Enemy of My Enemy
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton | Andrew Currie, Art Nichols
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1, Judgement Day, 1 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein | Tom Grindberg, Al Milgrom | Grindberg, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, Judgement Day, 2 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein | Tom Grindberg, Al Milgrom | Grindberg, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, The Cancer Within, 1 of 2
Author: Mariano Nicieza | Tom Grindberg, Al Milgrom | Grindberg, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, The Cancer Within, 2 of 2
Author: Mariano Nicieza | Tom Grindberg, Al Milgrom | Grindberg, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, The Shadow Group
Author: Mariano Nicieza | Tom Grindberg, Al Milgrom | Grindberg, Terry Pallot
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6, Risk, 1 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein | Tom Grindberg, Al Milgrom | Grindberg, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7, Risk, 2 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein | Tom Grindberg, Al Milgrom | Grindberg, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8, Public Enemies, Private Lives, 1 of 2
Author: Mariano Nicieza | Tom Grindberg, Bob Almond | Grindberg, Almond |
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9, Public Enemies, Private Lives, 2 of 2
Author: Mariano Nicieza | Tom Grindberg, Bob Almond | Grindberg, Almond |
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10, Lwaxana Troi and the Wedding of Doom, 1 of 2
Author: Michael Martin, Andy Mangels | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 11, Four Funerals and a Wedding, 2 of 2
Author: Michael Martin, Andy Mangels | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 12, Telepathy War Part 2: Command Decisions
Author: Michael Martin, Andy Mangels | Tom Grindberg, Bob Almond
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 13, Telepathy War Part 3: Day of Honor
Author: Michael Martin, Andy Mangels | Tom Morgan, Keith Williams
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 14, Nobody Knows the Tribbles I've Seen
Author: Michael Martin, Andy Mangels | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom | Pallot
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 15, Requiem in Obsidian
Author: Andy Mangels, Michael Martin | Greg Scott, Jeff Rubenstein |
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1, The Storm, 1 of 3
Author: Laurie Sutton | Jesus Redondo | Redondo
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, Under Ion Skies, 2 of 3
Author: Laurie Sutton | Jesus Redondo | Redondo
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, Repercussions, 3 of 3
Author: Laurie Sutton | Jesus Redondo, Sergio Melia | Redondo, Melia
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, Homeostasis, 1 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein | Jesus Redondo, Sergio Melia
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, Homeostasis, 2 of 2
Author: Howard Weinstein | Jesus Redondo, Sergio Melia
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6, Relicquest, 1 of 3
Author: Ben Raab | Jesus Redondo | Sergio Melia
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7, Relicquest, 2 of 3
Author: Ben Raab | Jesus Redondo | Sergio Melia
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8, Relicquest, 3 of 3
Author: Ben Raab | Jesus Redondo | Sergio Melia
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9, Dead Zone
Author: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton | Terry Pallot | Al Milgrom | Pallot, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10, Ghosts
Author: Laurie Sutton | Jesus Redondo, Sergio Melia
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 11, Leviathan, 1 of 2
Author: Laurie Sutton | Jesus Redondo, Sergio Melia
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 12, Leviathan, 2 of 2
Author: Laurie Sutton | Jesus Redondo, Sergio Melia
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 13, Telepathy War Part 5: Cloud Walkers
Author: Laurie Sutton | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 14, Survival of the Fittest, 1 of 2
Author: Laurie Sutton, Gwen Sutton | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom | Pallot, Milgro
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 15, Survival of the Fittest, 2 of 2
Author: Laurie Sutton, Gwen Sutton | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Spashdown Part 1 of 4
Author: Laurie Sutton | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom | S. Sava
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Spashdown Part 2 of 4
Author: Laurie Sutton | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom | Pallot, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Spashdown Part 3 of 4
Author: Laurie Sutton | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom | Pallot, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Spashdown Part 4 of 4
Author: Laurie Sutton | Terry Pallot, Al Milgrom | Pallot, Milgrom
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 1, Prime Directives
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 2, Liberty
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 3, Loyalty Test
Author: Chris Cooper | John Royle, Tom Wegrzyn | Royle, Toinay
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 4, War and Peace, 1 of 2
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 5, Love and Death, 2 of 2
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 6, Passages, 1 of 2
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning |
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 7, Hide and Seek, 2 of 2
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning |
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 8, X^2
Author: Chris Cooper | John Royle, Andy Lanning | Lanning, Toinay
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 9, Return to the Forbidden Planet, 1 of 2
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 10, A Prelude to War, 2 of 2
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 11, Judgement
Author: Chris Cooper | John Royle, Tom Wegrzyn | Royle, Wegrzyn
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 12, Telepathy War Part 1: Renegades
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 13, Parent's day
Author: Chris Cooper | John Royle, Tom Wegrzyn | Royle, Wegrzyn
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 14, T'Priell Revealed: Betrayal, 1 of 3
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning |
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 15, T'Priell Revealed: Origins, 2 of 3
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning |
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 16, T'Priell Revealed: The Fall, 3 of 3
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning |
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 17, Culture Clash
Author: Chris Cooper | John Royle, Tom Wegrzyn | Royle, Wegrzyn
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 18, mangHom qaD, 1 (Klingon Version)
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 18, Cadet Challenge, 1 of 2
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: # 19, Between Love and Hate, 2 of 2
Author: Chris Cooper | Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning | Renaud, Lanning
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1998
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: nr 1, Preview of Marvel's Star Trek Comics published under the Paramount Comics imprint
Author: n/a
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1996
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: nr 2, Preview of Marvel's Star Trek comics published under the Paramount Comics imprint
Author: n/a
Made By: Marvel
Year: 1997
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TOS All of Me
Author: Tona Isabella, Bob Ingersoll| Aaron Lopresti, Randy Emberlin| Lopresti
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TOS Enter the Wolves
Author: A.C. Crispin, Howard Weinstein| Carlos Mota, Keith Aiken, John Nyberg, Derek Fridolfs| Mota, Aiken
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG Embrace the Wolf
Author: Christopher Golden, Tom Sniegoski| Dave Hoover, Troy Hubbs, Jason Martin, Christy Stack| Travis Char
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG Perchance to Dream prt 1 of 4, To Take Arms Against a Sea of Troubles
Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido| Peter Pachoumis| Lucian Rizzo| Tim Bradstreet
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG Perchance to Dream prt 2 of 4, By a Sleep to Say We End
Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido| Peter Pachoumis| Lucian Rizzo| Tim Bradstreet
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG Perchance to Dream prt 3 of 4, In the Sleep of Death, What Dreams May Come
Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido| Peter Pachoumis| Lucian Rizzo| Tim Bradstreet
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG Perchance to Dream prt 4 of 4, Enterprises of Great Pitch and Moment
Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido| Peter Pachoumis, Benefiel| Lucian Rizzo, Martin| Tim Bradstreet
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG The Killing Shadows prt 1 of 4, The Trap
Author: Scott Ciencin| Andrew Currie, Bryan Hitch|
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG The Killing Shadows prt 2 of 4, The hunted
Author: Scott Ciencin| Andrew Currie, Bryan Hitch|
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG The Killing Shadows prt 3 of 4, The Trap
Author: Scott Ciencin| Andrew Currie, Bryan Hitch|
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG The Killing Shadows prt 4 of 4, The Secret
Author: Scott Ciencin| Andrew Currie, Bryan Hitch|
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG The Gorn Crisis (HC)
Author: Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta| Igor Kordey| Kordey
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: 1-56389-754-7

Serie & Name: TNG Forgiveness
Author: David Brin| Scott Hampton| Hampton
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2002
ISBN: 1-56389-918-3

Serie & Name: DS9 N-Vector prt 1 of 4
Author: K.W. Jeter| Toby Cypress, Jason Martin, Mark Irwin| Cypress, Martin)
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: DS9 N-Vector prt 2 of 4
Author: K.W. Jeter| Toby Cypress, Jason Martin, Mark Irwin| Cypress, Martin)
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: DS9 N-Vector prt 3 of 4
Author: K.W. Jeter| Toby Cypress, Jason Martin, Mark Irwin| Cypress, Martin)
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: DS9 N-Vector prt 4 of 4
Author: K.W. Jeter| Toby Cypress, Jason Martin, Mark Irwin| Cypress, Martin)
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG & DS9 Divided We Fall prt 1 of 4, Crossfire
Author: John J. Ordover, David Mack| Andrew Currie, Richard Bennett, David Roach| Currie, Bennett, Alex Sinc
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG & DS9 Divided We Fall prt 2 of 4, No Quarter
Author: John J. Ordover, David Mack| Andrew Currie, Richard Bennett, David Roach| Currie, Bennett, Alex Sinc
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG & DS9 Divided We Fall prt 3 of 4, All Fall Down
Author: John J. Ordover, David Mack| Andrew Currie, Richard Bennett, David Roach| Currie, Bennett, Alex Sinc
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG & DS9 Divided We Fall prt 4 of 4, United We Stand
Author: John J. Ordover, David Mack| Andrew Currie, Richard Bennett, David Roach| Currie, Bennett, Alex Sinc
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: VGR False Colors
Author: Nathan Archer| Jeffrey Moy, Philip Moy, W.C. Carani| Jim Lee, Scott Williams
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: VGR False Colors Photo Cover
Author: Nathan Archer| Jeffrey Moy, Philip Moy, W.C. Carani| Jim Lee, Scott Williams
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: VGR False Colors (Signitature Edtion 561/2500 with Certificate)
Author: Nathan Archer| Jeffrey Moy, Philip Moy, W.C. Carani| Jim Lee, Scott Williams
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: VGR Elite Force
Author: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning| Jeffrey Moy, W.C. Carani| Moy, Cavani
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: VGR Avalon Rising
Author: Janine Ellen Young, Doselle Young| David Roach| David Wenze
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: VGR, Planet Killer prt 1 of 3, Ultimate Weapon
Author: Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith| Robert Teranishi, Claude St. Aubin
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: VGR, Planet Killer prt 2 of 3, Old Tricks
Author: Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith| Robert Teranishi, Claude St. Aubin
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: VGR, Planet Killer prt 3 of 3, Death
Author: Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith| Robert Teranishi, Claude St. Aubin
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Special with Bloodline & A Rolling Stone Gathers No Nanoprobes, When the Stars Come a-Cal
Author: Ian Edginton| Carlos Mota, Keith Aiken| John Van Fleet & Andy Mangels, & Ben Raab| John Lucas & Jeff
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: New Frontier, Double Time
Author: Peter David| Michael Collins| David Roach| Brian Stelfreeze
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2000
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: TNG Enemy Unseen with: Embrace the Wolf, Perchance to Dream & The Killing Shadows
Author: Christopher Golden & Keith R.A. DeCandido & Scott Ciencin
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: 1-56389-765-2

Serie & Name: VGR, Encounters With the Unkown (with False Colors, Avalon Rising, Elite Force and Planet Killer)
Author: Janine Ellen Young, Doselle Young| David Roach| David Wenze
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: 1-56389-770-9

Serie & Name: Other Realities With All of Me & N-Vector & Double Time
Author: Peter David| Michael Collins| David Roach| Brian Stelfreeze
Made By: Wildstorm
Year: 2001
ISBN: 1-56389-763-6

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 1 (Cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 1 (Cover KL-A) (in Klingon)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 2 (Cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 3 (Cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 4 (Cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 5 (Cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 1 (cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Steve Conley
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 2 (cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Steve Conley
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 3 (cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Steve Conley
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 4 (cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Steve Conley
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 5 (cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Steve Conley
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 6 (cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Steve Conley
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment part 1 (cover A)
Author: D.C. Fontana & Derek Chester | Gorden Purcell | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment part 2
Author: D.C. Fontana & Derek Chester | Gorden Purcell | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment part 3
Author: D.C. Fontana & Derek Chester | Gorden Purcell | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment part 4
Author: D.C. Fontana & Derek Chester | Gorden Purcell | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment part 5
Author: D.C. Fontana & Derek Chester | Gorden Purcell | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Assignment: Earth part 1
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Assignment: Earth part 2
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Assignment: Earth part 3
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Assignment: Earth part 4
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Assignment: Earth part 5
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Romulans: The Hollow Crown part 1
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Romulans: The Hollow Crown part 2
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Crew part 1
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Crew part 2
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Crew part 3
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Crew part 4
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Crew part 5
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mission's End part 1 (cover A)
Author: Ty Templeton | Stephen Molnar | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mission's End part 2
Author: Ty Templeton | Stephen Molnar | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mission's End part 3
Author: Ty Templeton | Stephen Molnar | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mission's End part 4
Author: Ty Templeton | Stephen Molnar | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mission's End part 5
Author: Ty Templeton | Stephen Molnar | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Romulans: Schism part 1
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Romulans: Schism part 2
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Romulans: Schism part 3
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor part 1 (cover A)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor part 2 (cover A)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor part 3 (cover A)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor part 4 (cover A)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge part 1 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Federica Manfredi | Federica Manfredi
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge part 2
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Federica Manfredi | Federica Manfredi
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge part 3
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Federica Manfredi | Federica Manfredi
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge part 4
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Federica Manfredi | Federica Manfredi
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 1
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 2
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 3
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 4
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 5
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #1
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #2
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #3
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #4
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #5
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #6
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #6- NYCC cover (signed)
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #7
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #8
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #9
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #10
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five # Valentine Special
Author: Brandon Easton| Martin Coccolo, Fran Camboa, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #11
Author: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly| Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff, Maria Keane, Neil Uyetake | Step
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #12
Author: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly| Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff, Maria Keane, Neil Uyetake | Step
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #13
Author: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly| Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff, Maria Keane, Neil Uyetake | Step
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #14
Author: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly| Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff, Maria Keane, Neil Uyetake | Step
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #15
Author: Jody Houser | Silvia Califano, Charlie Kirchoff, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #16
Author: Jody Houser | Silvia Califano, Charlie Kirchoff, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #17
Author: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly| Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff, Maria Keane, Neil Uyetake | Step
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #18
Author: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly| Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff, Maria Keane, Neil Uyetake | Step
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #19
Author: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly| Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff, Maria Keane, Neil Uyetake | Step
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #20
Author: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly| Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff, Maria Keane, Neil Uyetake | Step
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #21
Author: Jody Houser | Silvia Califano, Charlie Kirchoff, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #22
Author: Jody Houser | Silvia Califano, Charlie Kirchoff, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #23
Author: Jody Houser | Silvia Califano, Charlie Kirchoff, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #24
Author: Jody Houser | Silvia Califano, Charlie Kirchoff, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Five #25
Author: Jody Houser | Silvia Califano, Charlie Kirchoff, Neil Uyetake | Stephen Thompson, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 1 (Cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney | Dennis Calero
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 2 (Cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney | Jeremy Geddes
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 3 (Cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney | Jeremy Geddes
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 4 (Cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney | Ken Kelly
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 5 (Cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 6 (Cover A)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 1 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 2 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 3 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 4 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 5
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 1 (cover A)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell | Pablo Raimondi & Brian Resler
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 2 (cover A)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 3 (cover A)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 4 (cover A)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 5 (cover A)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell | Nick Runge
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Ghosts part 1
Author: Zander Cannon | Javier Arranda | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Ghosts part 2
Author: Zander Cannon | Javier Arranda | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Ghosts part 3
Author: Zander Cannon | Javier Arranda | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Ghosts part 4
Author: Zander Cannon | Javier Arranda | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Ghosts part 5
Author: Zander Cannon | Javier Arranda | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #1 (cover A)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #2 (cover A)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #3 (cover A)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney |David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #4 (cover A)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney |David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: The Next Generation IDW 20/20
Author: Scot & David Tipton|J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Holo-Ween #1 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Sequeira| Joe Eisma, Charlie Kirchoff, Clayton Cowles |Francesco Francavilla
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Holo-Ween #2 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Sequeira| Joe Eisma, Charlie Kirchoff, Clayton Cowles |Francesco Francavilla
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Holo-Ween #3 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Sequeira| Joe Eisma, Charlie Kirchoff, Clayton Cowles |Francesco Francavilla
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Holo-Ween #4 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Sequeira| Joe Eisma, Charlie Kirchoff, Clayton Cowles |Francesco Francavilla
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek DSN: Fool's Gold part 1 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek DSN: Fool's Gold part 2 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek DSN: Fool's Gold part 3 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek DSN: Fool's Gold part 4 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: To Long A Sacrifice #1 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Greg Scott, Felipe Sobreido, Neil Uyetake | Ricardo Drumond
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: To Long A Sacrifice #2 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Greg Scott, Felipe Sobreido, Neil Uyetake | Ricardo Drumond
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: To Long A Sacrifice #3 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Greg Scott, Felipe Sobreido, Neil Uyetake | Ricardo Drumond
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: To Long A Sacrifice #4 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Greg Scott, Felipe Sobreido, Neil Uyetake | Ricardo Drumond
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #1 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #2 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #3 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #4 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #5 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Voyager: Seven's Reckoning #1 (cover A)
Author: Dave Baker| Angel Hernandez, Ronda Pattison | Angel Hernandez, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Voyager: Seven's Reckoning #2 (cover A)
Author: Dave Baker| Angel Hernandez, Ronda Pattison | Angel Hernandez, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Voyager: Seven's Reckoning #3 (cover A)
Author: Dave Baker| Angel Hernandez, Ronda Pattison | Angel Hernandez, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Voyager: Seven's Reckoning #4 (cover A)
Author: Dave Baker| Angel Hernandez, Ronda Pattison | Angel Hernandez, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: The Light of Khaless #1 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: The Light of Khaless #2 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: The Light of Khaless #3 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: The Light of Khaless #4 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Succession #1 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Succession #2 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Succession #3 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Succession #4 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Annual 2018 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Captain Saru
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Captain Saru RI Cover
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Aftermatch #1
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Aftermatch #2
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Aftermatch #3
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Adventurs in the the 32nd Century # 1
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, JD Mettler | Angel Hernandez, JD Mettler
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Adventurs in the the 32nd Century # 2
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, JD Mettler | Angel Hernandez, JD Mettler
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Adventurs in the the 32nd Century # 3
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, JD Mettler | Angel Hernandez, JD Mettler
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Adventurs in the the 32nd Century # 4
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, JD Mettler | Angel Hernandez, JD Mettler
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Picard Countdown #1
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Angel Hernandez & Joana Lafuente | Sara Pitre-Durocher
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Picard Countdown #2
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Angel Hernandez & Joana Lafuente | Sara Pitre-Durocher
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Picard Countdown #3
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Angel Hernandez & Joana Lafuente | Sara Pitre-Durocher
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Picard Stargazer #1 (Cover A)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Picard Stargazer #2 (Cover A)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Picard Stargazer #3 (Cover A)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Picard's Academy #1 (Cover A)
Author: Sam Maggs| Ornella Greco, Charlie Kirchoff | Sweeney Boo
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Picard's Academy #2 (Cover A)
Author: Sam Maggs| Ornella Greco, Charlie Kirchoff | Sweeney Boo
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Picard's Academy #3 (Cover A)
Author: Sam Maggs| Ornella Greco, Charlie Kirchoff | Sweeney Boo
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Picard's Academy #4 (Cover A)
Author: Sam Maggs| Ornella Greco, Charlie Kirchoff | Sweeney Boo
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Picard's Academy #5 (Cover A)
Author: Sam Maggs| Ornella Greco, Charlie Kirchoff | Sweeney Boo
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Picard's Academy #6 (Cover A)
Author: Sam Maggs| Ornella Greco, Charlie Kirchoff | Sweeney Boo
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Lower Decks #1 (Cover A)
Author: Ryan North| Chris Fenoglio | Chris Fenoglio, Jay Fosgitt
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Lower Decks #2 (Cover A)
Author: Ryan North| Chris Fenoglio | Chris Fenoglio, Jay Fosgitt
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Lower Decks #3 (Cover A)
Author: Ryan North| Chris Fenoglio | Chris Fenoglio, Jay Fosgitt
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The Illyrian Engima #1 (Cover A)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Megan Levens| Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The Illyrian Engima #2 (Cover A)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Megan Levens| Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The Illyrian Engima #3 (Cover A)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Megan Levens| Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The Illyrian Engima #4 (Cover A)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Megan Levens| Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: TheScorpius Run #1 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson & Ryan Parrott| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: TheScorpius Run #2 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson & Ryan Parrott| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: TheScorpius Run #3 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson & Ryan Parrott| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: TheScorpius Run #4 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson & Ryan Parrott| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: TheScorpius Run #5 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson & Ryan Parrott| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New Frontier part 1 (cover A)
Author: Peter David | Stephen Thompson | Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New Frontier part 1 (cover RIA) Quad cover edition
Author: Peter David | Stephen Thompson | Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New Frontier part 2
Author: Peter David | Stephen Thompson | Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New Frontier part 2 RI Cover
Author: Peter David | Stephen Thompson | Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New Frontier part 3
Author: Peter David | Stephen Thompson | Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New Frontier part 4
Author: Peter David | Stephen Thompson | Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New Frontier part 5
Author: Peter David | Stephen Thompson | Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mirror Images part 1 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mirror Images part 2 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mirror Images part 3
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mirror Images part 4
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mirror Images part 5
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken special: origin of Data (lootcrate exclusive)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #1
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #2
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #3 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #4 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #5 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #1 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #2 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #3 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #4 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #5 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #1 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #2 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #3 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #4 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #5 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #6 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Voyager: Mirrors & Smoke
Author: Paul Allor| J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Hell's Mirror
Author: J.M. DeMatteis| Matthew Dow Smith, Candice Han, Neil Uyetake | Matthew Dow Smith
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #0 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #1 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #2 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #3 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #4 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #5 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #6 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #7 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #8 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War: Data (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War: Geordi (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War: Troi (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War: Sisko(cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #1 (Cover A)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #2 (Cover A)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #3 (Cover A)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #4 (Cover A)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #5 (Cover A)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Focus on Star Trek
Author: David Tischman | Len O'Grady | Kelsey Shannon
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Gorn (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Zach Howard
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Vulcans (cover A)
Author: James Patrick | Josep Maria Beroy | Zach Howard
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Andorians (cover A)
Author: Paul D. Storrie | Leonard O'Grady | Zach Howard
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Orions (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Elena Casagrande | Zach Howard
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Borg (cover A)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Sean Murphy | Zach Howard
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Romulans (cover A)
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | Zach Howard
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Tribbles (cover A)
Author: Stuart Moore | Mike Hawthorne | David Williams
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Klingons
Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido | J.K. Woodward | David A Williams & Moose Baumann
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Romulans
Author: Ian Edgington | Wagner Reis | David A. Williams
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Q (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Elena Casagrande | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Cardassians
Author: Arne & Andy Schmidt| Augustin Padilla | Augustin Padilla
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Cardassians RI Cover
Author: Arne & Andy Schmidt| Augustin Padilla | Augustin Padilla
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Captain's Log: Sulu
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Federica Manfredi | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Captain's Log: Harriman
Author: Marc Guggenheim | Andrew Currie | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Captain's Log: Pike
Author: Stuart Moore | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Captain's Log: Jellico
Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 100 Page Spectacular
Author: Multiple | Multiple | Joe Corroney
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek 100 Page Spectacular 2012
Author: Multiple | Multiple | Joe Corroney
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Special: Flesh and Stone
Author: Scott and David Tipton| Sharp Brothers| Sharp Brothers
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: The Q Conflict #1 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: The Q Conflict #2 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: The Q Conflict #3 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: The Q Conflict #4 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: The Q Conflict #5 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: The Q Conflict #6 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 1
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 2
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 3
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 4
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 5
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 6 (cover A)
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint special 1
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint special 1
Author: Stephen Mooney, Corrina Bechko, Malachi Ward , Matt Sheean, Thom Zahler| Stephen Mooney, Daniel Iriz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deviations (one off)
Author: Danny Cates| Hood| Lewis
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Klingon (one shot)
Author: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly| Timothy Green II of Magnus Arts | Timothy Green II of Magnus Arts
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Ferengi (one shot)
Author: Christina Rice | Andy Price| Andy Price
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Trill (one shot)
Author: Jody Houser| Hendry Prasetya, RafaelP?rez Granados |Hnedry Prasetya, DC Alonso
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: 400th issue (Cover A)
Author: Multiple| Multiple | Louie de Martinis
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Celebrations (Cover A)
Author: Vita Ayala, Hannah Rose May, Steve Orlando, Magdalene Visaggio, Stephanie Williams|Liana Kangas, Jac
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #1 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #2 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #3 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #4 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #5 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #6 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #7 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #8 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #9 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #10 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #11 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #12 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #13 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #14 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #15 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #16 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #17 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #18 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #19 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #20 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #21 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #1 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #2 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #3 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #4 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #5 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #6 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #7 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #8 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #9 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #10 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #11 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #12 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #13 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #14 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #15 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #16 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant Annual 2024 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Day of Blood #0
Author: Christopher Cantwell, Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas| Malachi Ward, Ramon Rosanas
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Day of Blood #1 (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell, Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas| Malachi Ward, Ramon Rosanas
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Annual 2023 (Cover A)
Author: Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing| Rachael Stott, Charile Kirchoff | Rachael Stott
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Day of Blood: Directors Cut (Cover A)
Author: Christopher Cantwell, Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas| Malachi Ward, Ramon Rosanas
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Day of Blood: Shax Best Day (Cover A)
Author: Ryan North| Derek Charm|Derek Charm
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #1 (Cover A)
Author: Morgan Hampton| Angel Hernandez, Nick Filardi|Jake Bartok
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #2 (Cover A)
Author: Morgan Hampton| Angel Hernandez, Nick Filardi|Jake Bartok
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3 (Cover A)
Author: Morgan Hampton| Angel Hernandez, Nick Filardi|Jake Bartok
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2024
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Wrath of Khan part 1 (cover A)
Author: Andy Schmidt | Chee Yang Ong | Chee Yang Ong
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Wrath of Khan part 2 (cover A)
Author: Andy Schmidt | Chee Yang Ong | Chee Yang Ong
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Wrath of Khan part 3 (cover A)
Author: Andy Schmidt | Chee Yang Ong | Chee Yang Ong
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan, Ruling in Hell part 1 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan, Ruling in Hell part 2
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan, Ruling in Hell part 3
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan, Ruling in Hell part 4
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Motion Picture: Echoes #1 (Cover A)
Author: Marc Guggenheim| Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso | Jake Bartok, Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Motion Picture: Echoes#2 (Cover A)
Author: Marc Guggenheim| Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso | Jake Bartok, Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Motion Picture: Echoes#3 (Cover A)
Author: Marc Guggenheim| Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso | Jake Bartok, Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Motion Picture: Echoes#4 (Cover A)
Author: Marc Guggenheim| Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso | Jake Bartok, Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Motion Picture: Echoes#5 (Cover A)
Author: Marc Guggenheim| Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso | Jake Bartok, Oleg Chudakov; DC Alonso
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange new worlds (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 1 "The Mirror Cracked" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 2 "Time's Echo" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 3 "Cry Vengance" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 4 "Made of Mudd" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 5 "A scent of Ghosts" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 6 "Resistance" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 7 "1971/4860.2" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 8 "The survival Equaion" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 9 "The hollow Man" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 10 "Mr Chekov" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 11 "Of Woman Born" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 12 "Swarm" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions Special "The Cage" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions Humble Special "More of the Serpent than the Dove" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 13: "The Hidden Face" (Photo Novel )
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 14 "Sam" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 15 "The Traveler" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 16 "Time out of Joint" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 17 "All the Ages Froxzen" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 18 "What pain it is to drown" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 19 "The Hunger" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 20 "Isolation" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 21 "The Enemy of my Enemy" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New visions 22 "An Unexpected Yesterday" (Photo Novel)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Infestation part 1 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Gary Erskine , Casey Maloney | John K. Snyder III
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Infestation part 2 (cover A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Gary Erskine , Casey Maloney | John K. Snyder III
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 1 (cover A)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 2 (cover A)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 3 (cover A)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 4 (cover A)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 5 (cover A)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 6 (cover A)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #1 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #2 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #3 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #4 (cover A)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #5
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |Mark Buckingham
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #6
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #7
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #8
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 1 (Cover A)
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 2
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 3
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 4
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 5
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 1 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 2 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 3 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 4 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 5 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 6 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 1
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 2
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 3
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 4
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 5
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 6
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #1 (cover A)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #2 (cover A)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #3 (cover A)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #4 (cover A)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #5 (cover A)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Countdown (Movie Prequel) part 1
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Countdown (Movie Prequel) part 2
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Countdown (Movie Prequel) part 3
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Countdown (Movie Prequel) part 4
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Spock Reflections part 1
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Spock Reflections part 2
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Spock Reflections part 3
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Spock Reflections part 4
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Nero part 1
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Nero part 2
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Nero part 3
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Nero part 4
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Official Motion Picture Adaptation # 1
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Official Motion Picture Adaptation # 2
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Official Motion Picture Adaptation # 3
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Official Motion Picture Adaptation # 4
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Official Motion Picture Adaptation # 5
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Official Motion Picture Adaptation # 6
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness # 1 (cover A)
Author: Robert Orci & Mike Johnson | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness # 2 (cover A)
Author: Robert Orci & Mike Johnson | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness # 3 (cover A)
Author: Robert Orci & Mike Johnson | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness # 4 (cover A)
Author: Robert Orci & Mike Johnson | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 1
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 2 (Cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 3
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 4
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 5
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 1
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Derek Charm
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 2
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Derek Charm
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 3
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Derek Charm
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 4
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Derek Charm
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 5
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Derek Charm
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Manifest Destiney # 1
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Manifest Destiney # 1 (klingon edition)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Manifest Destiney # 2
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Manifest Destiney # 3
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Manifest Destiney # 4
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Angel Hernandez| Angel Hernandez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 1 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 2 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 3 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 4 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 5
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 6
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 7
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 8
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 9
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 10
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 11
Author: Mike Johnson | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 12
Author: Mike Johnson | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 13
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 14
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 15
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 16
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 17
Author: Mike Johnson | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 18
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 19
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 20
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 21
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 22
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 23
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 24
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 25
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 26
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 27
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 28
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 29
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 30
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 31
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 32
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 33
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 34
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 35
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 36
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 37
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 38
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 39
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 40
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 41
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 42
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 43
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 44
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 45
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 46
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 47
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 48
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 49
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 50
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 51
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 52
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 53
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 54
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 55
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 56
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 57
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 58
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 59
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 60
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 1
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 2
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 3
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 4
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 5
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 6
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 7
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 8
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 9
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 10 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 11 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 12 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 13 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 14 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 15 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 16 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 17 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 18 (cover A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 1 (Cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 2 (Cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 3 (Cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 4 (Cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Klingons Blood Will Tell part 5 (Cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 1 (cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 1 (cover RI)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 2 (cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 2 (cover RI)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 3 (cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 4 (cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 5 (cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 5 (cover RI)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four part 6 (cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Steve Conley | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment part 1 (cover B)
Author: D.C. Fontana & Derek Chester | Gorden Purcell | The Sharp Brothers
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Assignment: Earth part 1 RI Cvr
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Assignment: Earth part 3 RI Cvr
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mission's End part 1 (cover B)
Author: Ty Templeton | Stephen Molnar | Kevin Maguire
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor part 1 (cover B)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor part 2 (cover B)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor part 3 (cover B)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor part 4 (cover B)
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge part 1 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Federica Manfredi | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge part 1 (cover RI)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Federica Manfredi | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 1 (sub cover)
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 2 (sub cover)
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 3 (sub cover)
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 4 (sub cover)
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Harlan Ellison's "The City on the edge of forever" The original Teleplay # 5 (sub cover)
Author: Harlan Ellison, Scott & David Tipton | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 1 (Cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 1 (Cover RI A)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney | Zach Howard
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 2 (Cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 2 (Cover RI-A)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 3 (Cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 4 (Cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 5 (Cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: The Space Between part 6 (Cover B)
Author: David Tischman | Casey Maloney |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 1 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 1 (cover RI)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 2 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 3 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 4 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Intelligence Gathering part 4 (cover RI)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 1 (cover B)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 2 (cover B)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell | Robert Atkins
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 3 (cover B)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 4 (cover B)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell | Gordon Purcell
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG Myriad Universe: The Last Generation part 5 (cover B)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Gordon Purcell | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: TNG: Ghosts part 5 (cover RI)
Author: Zander Cannon | Javier Arranda | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #1 (cover B)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #1 (cover RIA)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney |David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #1 (cover RE Montreal ComicCon)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney |David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #2 (cover B)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #2 (cover RI)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney |David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #3 (cover B)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney |David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #3 (cover RI)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney |David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Hive #4 (cover B)
Author: Brannon Barga with Terry Matalas & Travis Fichet| Joe Corroney |David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek DSN: Fool's Gold part 1 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek DSN: Fool's Gold part 2 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek DSN: Fool's Gold part 3 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek DSN: Fool's Gold part 4 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek DSN: Fool's Gold part 4 (cover RI)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: To Long A Sacrifice #1 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Greg Scott, Felipe Sobreido, Neil Uyetake | Ricardo Drumond
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: To Long A Sacrifice #2 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Greg Scott, Felipe Sobreido, Neil Uyetake | Ricardo Drumond
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: To Long A Sacrifice #3 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Greg Scott, Felipe Sobreido, Neil Uyetake | Ricardo Drumond
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: To Long A Sacrifice #4 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Greg Scott, Felipe Sobreido, Neil Uyetake | Ricardo Drumond
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #1 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #2 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #3 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #4 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War #5 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Chen| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Chris Fenoglio
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Voyager: Seven's Reckoning #1 (cover B)
Author: Dave Baker| Angel Hernandez, Ronda Pattison | Angel Hernandez, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Voyager: Seven's Reckoning #2 (cover B)
Author: Dave Baker| Angel Hernandez, Ronda Pattison | Angel Hernandez, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Voyager: Seven's Reckoning #3 (cover B)
Author: Dave Baker| Angel Hernandez, Ronda Pattison | Angel Hernandez, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Voyager: Seven's Reckoning #4 (cover B)
Author: Dave Baker| Angel Hernandez, Ronda Pattison | Angel Hernandez, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: The Light of Khaless #1 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: The Light of Khaless #2 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: The Light of Khaless #3 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: The Light of Khaless #4 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Succession #1 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Succession #2 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Succession #3 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Succession #4 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Discovery: Annual 2018 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer | Angel Hernandez | George Caltsoudas
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Picard Stargazer #1 (Cover B)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Picard Stargazer #2 (Cover B)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Picard Stargazer #3 (Cover B)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Angel Hernandez | Angel Hernandez, Megan Levens
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Lower Decks #1 (Cover B)
Author: Ryan North| Chris Fenoglio | Chris Fenoglio, Jay Fosgitt
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Lower Decks #2 (Cover B)
Author: Ryan North| Chris Fenoglio | Chris Fenoglio, Jay Fosgitt
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Lower Decks #3 (Cover B)
Author: Ryan North| Chris Fenoglio | Chris Fenoglio, Jay Fosgitt
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The Illyrian Engima #1 (Cover B)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Megan Levens| Jake Bartok
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The Illyrian Engima #2 (Cover B)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Megan Levens| Jake Bartok
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The Illyrian Engima #3 (Cover B)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Megan Levens| Jake Bartok
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The Illyrian Engima #4 (Cover B)
Author: Kirsten Beyer & Mike Johnson| Megan Levens| Jake Bartok
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: New Frontier part 1 (cover RIB)
Author: Peter David | Stephen Thompson | Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mirror Images part 1 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mirror Images part 2 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Mirror Images part 2 (cover RI)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #1 (sub cover)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #2 (sub cover)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #3 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #4 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: mirror Broken #5 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #1 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #2 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #3 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #4 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Through the Mirror #5 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #1 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #2 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #3 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #4 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #5 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Terra Incognita #6 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #0 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #1 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #1 (Online Exclusive)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2021
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #2 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #3 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #4 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #5 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #6 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #7 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War #8 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War: Data (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War: Geordi (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War: Troi (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG: Mirror War: Sisko (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton| Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodward | Marcus To, Brittany Peer, J.K. Woodwa
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #1 (Cover B)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #2 (Cover B)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #3 (Cover B)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #4 (Cover B)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Resurgence #5 (Cover B)
Author: Andrew Grant, Dan Martin| Josh Hood | Josh Hood, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Gorn (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Gorn (cover RI-A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Vulcans (cover B)
Author: James Patrick | Josep Maria Beroy | Josep Maria Beroy
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Vulcans (cover RIA)
Author: James Patrick | Josep Maria Beroy |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Vulcans (cover RIB)
Author: James Patrick | Josep Maria Beroy | Zach Howard
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Andorians (cover B)
Author: Paul D. Storrie | Leonard O'Grady | Leonard O'Grady
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Andorians (cover RIA)
Author: Paul D. Storrie | Leonard O'Grady |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Andorians (cover RIB)
Author: Paul D. Storrie | Leonard O'Grady | Zach Howard
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Orions (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Elena Casagrande | Elena Casagrande
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2007
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Borg (cover B)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Sean Murphy | Sean Murphy
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: The Borg (cover RI-A)
Author: Andrew Steven Harris | Sean Murphy | Sean Murphy
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Romulans (cover B)
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Romulans (cover RIA)
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Romulans (cover RIB)
Author: John Byrne | John Byrne | John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2008
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Tribbles (cover B)
Author: Stuart Moore | Mike Hawthorne |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Q (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Elena Casagrande | Elena Casagrande
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 1 (SUB Cover)
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 2 (SUB Cover)
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 4 (SUB Cover)
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 5 (SUB Cover)
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 3 (SUB Cover)
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Waypoint # 6 (cover B)
Author: Danny Cates, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz| Mack Chater, Sandra Lanz
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Deviations (one off) (sub Cover)
Author: Danny Cates| Hood| Lewis
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: 400th issue (Cover B)
Author: Multiple| Multiple | J.K. Woodward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #1 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2022
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #2 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #3 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #4 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #5 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #6 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #7 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #8 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #9 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: #10 (Cover B)
Author: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas | Ramon Rosanas, Declan Shalvey
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #1 (Cover B)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #2 (Cover B)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #3 (Cover B)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #4 (Cover B)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #5 (Cover B)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Defiant #6 (Cover B)
Author: Christopher Cantwell| ?ngel Unzueta | ?ngel Unzueta, Malachi Ward
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Day of Blood #1 (Cover B)
Author: Christopher Cantwell, Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing| Ramon Rosanas| Malachi Ward, Ramon Rosanas
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2023
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Wrath of Khan part 1 (cover B)
Author: Andy Schmidt | Chee Yang Ong | Bob Peak
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Wrath of Khan part 1 (cover RI)
Author: Andy Schmidt | Chee Yang Ong | Bob Peak
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Wrath of Khan part 2 (cover B)
Author: Andy Schmidt | Chee Yang Ong |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Wrath of Khan part 3 (cover B)
Author: Andy Schmidt | Chee Yang Ong |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan, Ruling in Hell part 1 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan, Ruling in Hell part 1 (Cover Convention)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan, Ruling in Hell part 2 (RI cover)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan, Ruling in Hell part 3 (RI cover)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Fabio Mantovani | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2010
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Strange new worlds (Photo Novel) annual 2013 variant
Author: John Byrne| John Byrne| John Byrne
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Infestation part 1 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Gary Erskine , Casey Maloney | Casey Maloney, Gary Erskine
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Infestation part 1 (cover RI-A)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Gary Erskine , Casey Maloney | Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Infestation part 2 (cover B)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Gary Erskine , Casey Maloney | Casey Maloney, Gary Erskine
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Infestation part 2 (cover RI)
Author: Scott & David Tipton | Gary Erskine , Casey Maloney | Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 1 (cover B)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Keith Giffer
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 1 (cover RI-A-1)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 1 (cover RI-A-2)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 1 (cover RI-B)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 2 (cover B)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Keith Giffer
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 2 (cover RI)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 3 (cover B)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 3 (cover RI)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 5 (cover B)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 4 (cover B)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 4 (cover RI)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 5 (cover RI)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 6 (cover B)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes Crossover # 6 (cover RI)
Author: Chris Roberson | Jeffrey Moy & Philip Moy | Phil Jimenez
Made By: DC / IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #1 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |Mark Buckingham
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #1 (cover RIA)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #1 (cover RE forbidden planet Signed)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #2 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |Mark Buckingham
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #2 (cover RIA)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #3 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |Mark Buckingham
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #3 (cover RI)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |Mark Buckingham
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #4 (cover B)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |Mark Buckingham
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek TNG & Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #6 (cover RI)
Author: Scot & David Tipton with Tony Lee | J.K. Woodward |Mark Buckingham
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 1 (Cover B)
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 1 (cover RI)
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | George Perez & Len O'Grady
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 2 (SUB cover)
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 3 (SUB cover)
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 4 (SUB cover)
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive # 5 (SUB cover)
Author: Scott and David Tipton | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff | Rachael Stott, Charlie Kirchoff
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 1 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 1 (Cover C)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 1 (Cover SUB)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 2 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 2 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 3 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 3 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 4 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 4 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 5 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 5 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 6 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: The Spectrum War # 6 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 1 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 1 (sketch Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 2 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 3 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 4 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 5 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek - Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds # 6 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez | Angel Hernandez, Gabriel Rodriguez
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #1 (cover B)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #2 (cover B)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #3 (cover B)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #4 (cover B)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek vs Transformers #5 (cover B)
Author: Barbar| Johnson, Murray | Tramotang
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2019
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Countdown (Movie Prequel) part 4 RI Cvr
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 1 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 1 (cover RI A-1)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 1 (cover RI A-2)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 1 (cover RI A-3)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 1 (cover RI A-4)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 2 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Joe Corroney
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 2 (cover RI A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 2 (cover RI B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 3 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 3 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 3 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 4 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 4 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 4 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 5 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 6 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 7 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 8 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 8 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 9 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 9 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 10 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 10 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Joe Corroney | Tim Bradstreet
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 11 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 11 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 12 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 13 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 13 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 14 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 14 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 15 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 15 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 16 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 16 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Stephen Molnar | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness # 1 (cover B)
Author: Robert Orci & Mike Johnson | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness # 2 (cover B)
Author: Robert Orci & Mike Johnson | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness # 3 (cover B)
Author: Robert Orci & Mike Johnson | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness # 4 (cover B)
Author: Robert Orci & Mike Johnson | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 1 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 1 (cover RI)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 2 (Cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 2 (cover RI)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 3 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 3 (cover RI)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 4 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Khan # 5 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 17 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 17 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 18 (cover RI-A)
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 18 (cover RI-B)
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 19 (cover RI-A)
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 19 (cover RI-B)
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 20 (cover RI-A)
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 20 (cover RI-B)
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 21 (cover RI-A)
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 21 (cover RI-B)
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 21 (cover RE)
Author: Ryan Parrot | Claudia Balboni | Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 22 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 22 (cover RI-B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 23 (cover RI-A)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 25 (cover RI)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 26 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 26 (cover RI)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 27 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 28 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 28 (cover RI)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 29 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 30 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 31 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 32 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Erfan Fajar & Agri Karuniawan | Tim Bradstreet & Grant Goleash
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 33 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 34 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 35 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 36 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 37 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 38 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 39 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2014
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 1 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 40 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 41 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 42 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 43 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 44 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 45 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 46 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 47 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 48 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | David Messina & Claudia Balboni | Paul Shipper
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 49 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 50 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 50 (RI cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 50 (Sketch cover (empty)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly 51 (SUB cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 52 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 2 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 3 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 4 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy # 5 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Derek Charm| Stephen Thompson
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Manifest Destiney # 1 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Angel Hernandez| Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Manifest Destiney # 2 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Angel Hernandez| Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Manifest Destiney # 3 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Angel Hernandez| Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Manifest Destiney # 4 (Sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrot| Angel Hernandez| Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 53 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 54 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 55 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 56 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 57 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 58 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 59 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 59 (ROM Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Monthly # 60 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson, Roberto Orci | Tony Shasteen | Tony Shasteen
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 1 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 1 (empty sketch Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 2 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 3 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 4 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 5 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 6 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 7 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 8 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 9 (sub Cover)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 10 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 11 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 12 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 13 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 14 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 15 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 16 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 17 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: to Bodly Go # 18 (cover B)
Author: Mike Johnson | Tony Shasteen| Mastrdianrdo\
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2018
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek: the Newspaper Comics (Part 1: 1979-1981) HC
Author: Multiple | Multiple | Multiple
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-1613774946

Serie & Name: Star Trek: the Newspaper Comics (Part 2: 1981-1983) HC
Author: Multiple | Multiple | Multiple
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-1613777763

Serie & Name: Star Trek: the clasic UK Comics (Part 1: 1969-1970) HC
Author: Multiple | Multiple | Multiple
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2015
ISBN: 978-1631405129

Serie & Name: Star Trek: the clasic UK Comics (Part 2: 1970-1972) HC
Author: Multiple | Multiple | Multiple
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: 978-1631407765

Serie & Name: Star Trek: the clasic UK Comics (Part 3: 1972-1979) HC
Author: Multiple | Multiple | Multiple
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-1631409677

Serie & Name: Star Trek: Captain's Log: Collection (book)
Author: See above
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1600108877

Serie & Name: Star Trek: 50th aniversary Cover celebration
Author: n/a
Made By: IDW Publishing
Year: 2016
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Manga Shinsei Shinsei
Author: chris dows, Jim Alexander, Mike W. Barr, Rob Tokar, Joshua Ortega
Made By: Tokyopop
Year: 2006
ISBN: 1-4278-0031-6

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Manga 2, Kakan ni Shinkou
Author: Wil Wheaton, Christine Boylan, Mike Wellman, Diane Duane & Paul Benjamin
Made By: Tokyopop
Year: 2007
ISBN: 1-4276-0620-8

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Manga 3, Uchu
Author: Wil Wheaton, David Gerrold, Nathaniel Bowden, & Luis Reyes
Made By: Tokyopop
Year: 2008
ISBN: 1-4278-0787-8

Serie & Name: Star Trek The Manga Ultimate Edition (contains volume 1-3)
Author: chris dows, Jim Alexander, Mike W. Barr, Rob Tokar, Joshua Ortega, Christine Boylan, Mike Wellman, D
Made By: Tokyopop
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4278-1352

Serie & Name: Star Trek: The Next Generation Manga
Author: David Gerrold, Diane Doune, Christine Boylan & F.J. DeSanto | E.J. Su, Chrissy Delk, Don Hudson & Be
Made By: Tokyopop
Year: 2009
ISBN: 1-4278-1272-8

Serie & Name: Cracked # 296 (ST Generations)
Author: Lou Silverstone & John Severin
Made By: Cracked
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Blech The Degeneration (TNG & DSN) # 1A
Author: Don chin, Laura Davis Chin & Ross Turner
Made By: Parody Press
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Blech Deep Space Diner (TNG & DSN) # 1B
Author: Don chin, Laura Davis Chin & Ross Turner
Made By: Parody Press
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Trek Teens & Trek Babies
Author: Ross Turner
Made By: Parody Press
Year: 1993
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Extremely Silly Comics No1 vol 2 (TOS)
Author: Radio Bavaria/LAVouts
Made By: Antarctic Press
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: ElfTrek part 1 of 2
Author: Marcus Lusk & Mark Poe
Made By: Dimension Graphics
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: ElfTrek part 2 of 2
Author: Marcus Lusk & Mark Poe
Made By: Dimension Graphics
Year: 1986
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Comic Interview # 100, Star Trek
Author: Marjel Barrett Roddenberry, Walter Koenig & Weinstein & Friedman
Made By: Ficioneer
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Comic Biography: William Shatner
Author: Chris Larson
Made By: Celerbrity Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: William Shatner Llimited 1588 of 2000)
Author: Stephen Spire III
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Leonard Nimoy (Limited Edition no 0065 /2000)
Author: Stephen Spire III
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Leonard Nimoy
Author: Stephen Spire III
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: DeForest Kelley
Author: Tiki
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Comic Biography: DeForest Kelley
Author: Schnakenberg
Made By: Celerbrity Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: James Doohan
Author: Tiki
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: James Doohan, (Limited Edition 1273 of 2000)
Author: Tiki
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Nichelle Nichols
Author: Pat Henkel
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Comic Biography: Mark Lenard
Author: Mike Bennet
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Comic Biography Limited Edition): Majel Barret with np 1871 of 2000 Limited Edition Trading Cards
Author: Tiki
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Patrick Stewart
Author: Stephen Spire III
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Jonathan Frakes
Author: Stephen Spire III
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Brent Spiner
Author: Tiki
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1991
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Comic Biography: Marina Sertis
Author: Pat Henkel
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Levar Burton
Author: Pat Henkel
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Michael Dorn
Author: Pat Henkel
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Michael Dorn, (Limited 1485 of 3000)
Author: Pat Henkel
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Denise Crosby
Author: Pat Henkel
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Personality Comics: Whoopi Goldberg
Author: Robert A Herrera
Made By: Personality Comics
Year: 1992
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Gene Roddenberry's Lost Universe 1-3
Author: Majel Barrett Roddenberry & D.C. Fontana
Made By: Tekbno comix
Year: 1995
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Comic issue # 1 (Contains Countdown)
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: Titan
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Comic issue # 2 (Contains Countdown)
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: Titan
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

Serie & Name: Star Trek Comic issue # 3 (Contains Countdown)
Author: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman, Mike Johnson & Tim Jones | David Messina | David Messina
Made By: Titan
Year: 2009
ISBN: n/a

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