Serie & Name: Enterprise NCC 1701-D Ship
Made By: Applause
Year: 1994
MIB or MOC: Yes

Serie & Name: Enterprise-B with Nexus
Made By: Applause
Year: 1994
MIB or MOC: No, Sold Loose

Serie & Name: Romulan Warbird (micro machine size) on fixed black plastic stand
Made By: Applause
Year: 1995
MIB or MOC: No, Sold Loose

Serie & Name: Klingon Bird of Prey (micro machine size) on fixed black plastic stand
Made By: Applause
Year: 1995
MIB or MOC: No, Sold Loose

Serie & Name: Borg Cube (micro machine size) on fixed black plastic stand
Made By: Applause
Year: 1995
MIB or MOC: No, Sold Loose

Serie & Name: TNG Shuttle (micro machine size) on fixed black plastic stand
Made By: Applause
Year: 1995
MIB or MOC: No, Sold Loose

Serie & Name: Ferengi Marauder (micro machine size) on fixed black plastic stand
Made By: Applause
Year: 1995
MIB or MOC: No, Sold Loose

Serie & Name: Enterprise-D Letter Holder Ship
Made By: Applause
Year: 1995
MIB or MOC: No, Sold Loose

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